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Weitere Informationen / Richtlinien

Worktime period signature

Allow creation of signature of the worktimes in a period


The worktime period signature is a write only resource that exists only to add signature


https://timesaver.ch/app/rest/mandators/<mandator id>/worktimePeriods/<worktime period id>/signatures


filter.role"Supervisor" or "Employee". Optional if the parameter is not provided, creates both signatures.
onlyCheckBoolean. Optional. If true, does not creates any signature but only test the data belonging to the period.
asUserId of the user. Optional. Useful when using the mandator APIKey
filter.userId of the user for whom the signatures are created. Optional. If not provided, signature are created for all users.

POSTing A Signature As Supervisor

The following request will create a Supervisor signature as if the user with id 223 was authorized. A signature will created for all of the employees that the user with 223 supervises.

Signatures may be rejected if entries test errors exists.


POST https://timesaver.ch/app/rest/mandators/59/worktimePeriods/223/signatures
Authorization: APIKey aW5mb0B0aW1lc2F2ZXIuY2g6czNjcjN0
Accept: application/json

    "filter.role": "Supervisor",
    "onlyCheck": false,
    "asUser": 223



DELETEing An Employee Signature

The following request will remove an employee signature


DELETE https://timesaver.ch/app/rest/mandators/59/worktimePeriods/223/signatures?filter.role=Employee&filter.user=232
Authorization: Basic aW5mb0B0aW1lc2F2ZXIuY2g6dGVzdA==
Accept: application/json
